Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hobo Days & McCrory Gardens in Brookings, SD

Quiet Life describes the last few weeks. I've been at my apartment in Brookings for 8 weeks now. Fellow residents now smile and say hi, I try to get out and walk several miles daily, sold a couple of things I no longer used on Craigslist, started attending the Methodist church, attended book clubs and a recital at the library, joined Helen from Sioux Falls on a couple of outings, saw a couple of movies at the local (very nice) theater, went to shop at Joyce's in Clear Lake yesterday and also met a really neat family that runs a farm & farm stand, too. I'm reading all the Nevada Barr books and saw friends from the parks mentioned in her acknowledgements!

Zuni continues to be a constant source of entertainment and companionship. The funniest thing is that at about 9:30 every evening she wants to go to sleep. She magically disappears from the living room and I find her all curled up on "her spot" on the bed.

Ross is still in the hospital in Hinsdale, but Monday he will be transferred to the Park nursing home in Joliet. Still no word on whether his neck is healing so all this transport in an ambulance is dicey if there is any jarring that might re-injure his neck. Mom's is working on getting around and is planning on returning home, although she is still in a lot of pain. Ruth is at work this weekend and visits and run errands for mom and Ross as needed.

A few photos from the last few days: