Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Day at the Museum and other fun :-)

The trip last Tuesday to the Field Museum was a bust archeologically speaking. There was nothing on display specifically from the Reserve, Mimbres or Cliff Dwellings. I have email addresses though and will continue to bug them to someday see some of our treasures! Ruth and I had a great time, though. It was a very gloomy day so the photos are not great, but I took photos of some of the best dioramas and bronze busts at the museum.

Also below are some photos of Heather doing an early Halloween fashion show, the project I helped Jaye with, Zuni loving life at Heather & Darren's home, etc. Last night I spent a nice evening visiting with Bob and Alva before they move to Alabama. I'm off to do some shopping and spending time with Mom and Ross today, too. Enjoy!

A kid having fun dragging his brother around while mom buys tickets to the museum.

Buckingham Fountain still operating!

A segue tour which resulted in a spate of googling. Did you know the inventor of the segue was killed in 2010 when his prototype all-terrain segue veered off a cliff in England?

Ruth googling all kinds of stuff on the train!

Late October - a confused crab apple tree at the lakefront.

Seagull accidentally adorned with blue tape :-(

Jaye and I worked on her home project - new, beautiful, shiny backsplash!

Emma in Cheerleader Costume

Phoebe as "Geisha Girl". Hans on floor wondering what's up and Electric thanking God it's not her who has to wear the costume!

Tres Amigas! Me, Mary and Heather

Zuni trying to open the door! Below- enjoying new toys and a napping place.

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