Monday, February 3, 2014

A Really Nice Couple of Days

Not much new to report these days. Work rolls on and I try to find something new and beautiful each day. Right now the beautiful bi-colored mustard is in bloom and when the wind is not blowing too hard the east side of the park smells so beautiful - kind of like lilac. Yesterday the temperature never topped 50 degrees but it was a glorious sunny day with a strong breeze blowing - perfect for working outside and cruising down Old Ore Road.

A couple of weeks ago I had dinner with Alyssa and some emergency response people one of whom is also the owner of Far Flung, one of the outfitters in Terlingua. He said they always take their jeep adventure clients on Old Ore from north to south so that they will always have the Chisos mountains in their sight as they drive. So yesterday I made it a point to drive that way and WOW it was nice! The road was just as bumpy, but the weather and scenery perfect.
A little sun glare, but still a beautiful sight looking down from the Pinnacles Trail across the desert. Note slightly to the right the upside down "boot" rock from which Boot Canyon takes its name.

A hawk watching me while I was hiking.

The next day on patrol looking up from a Pine Canyon campsite at the Chisos mountains.

Yesterday's surprise! I was building a barrier along Dagger Flats road to prevent 4WD vehicles from off-roading and turned over a dead yucca trunk along the road, surprising this approximately 3.5" long Texas Banded Gecko. I believe he is a young one because he does not have any of the mottling that the species descriptions say they get as they age. Just like the experts say, he probably does not come out during the daytime, but emerges at night to hunt insects. They like to live under yuccas, rocks, etc. roadside. I especially admired his coloration and translucent legs.

That is all for today!

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