Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Gravel Pit Hot Springs

The 55 mph winds had finally died down today and it was time for some fun! All of us feel very betrayed when the wind spoils our outdoor activities. So after a quick trip to PJ to check mail and send off 2 Netflix videos it was time to explore the hot springs by Gravel Pit. Dennis, a coworker from the visitor center and the Gila, accompanied me to try out his new camera.

Before I left I found a whole flock of turkey and black vultures swarming over a recently road-killed bunny. I had a lot of fun watching the vultures soaring around, one of the vultures with bunny remains trailing from his beak and, lo and behold! A hawk soaring with the pack. He was eventually pecked by the vultures and abandoned what I imagined to be his quest for a free meal!
Spot the hawk on the left?

Hawk and vulture with bunny stuff on his beak. I know - I'm weird!
On to the hot springs . . . .

The hot springs had been rocked in by visitors. Quite interesting - the gravel bubbled with little geisers of sand where the water came to the surface. The last time I saw this area from a canoe on the river there were lots of gambusia fish, but none today.

Soaking my feet til they get pruney!

You can see the sphinx moth if you look closely, but in the next photo I zoom in on him. Cool, huh!

Gave a lift from the parking lot to the RV parking area and guests showed us these rainbows that were just beginning to bloom. Perfect end to the hike!

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