Sunday, December 6, 2015

Church, Sam Nail & Ward Spring

Attended church at the Chisos Basin Amphitheater this morning, had a burger & got groceries in Study Butte, then had a couple of beautiful little hikes at the  old Sam Nail ranch and Ward Spring in the park.

All that's left of a little shed.

The windmill still working.

The not so working windmill.
Just a few moments with the breeze, autumn leaves and a squeaky windmill . . .

Chisos view from Sam Nail ranch.

Dikes are molten material that oozed up through geologic faults. Harder than the surrounding terrain, they remain standing as if marching across the land while surrounding earth wears away over time.

Up, up I go.

The Dikes

Autumn at Ward Spring

Ah, like all those with curly hair I bet it wishes it had straight instead. LOL

Water bug at Ward Spring

Yucca in bloom roadside neat Castolon. No other that I've seen, so maybe this one is forging new territory or a new time of year to bloom. :-)

The sweet mares. Three more in next pen. All will go to auction tomorrow.

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