Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Break Patrol Day

Last week we were deep into Spring Break so the park was crazy busy. For the first time ever, though, we had a lot of help patrolling all the popular trails like Santa Elena Canyon, Tuff Canyon, Mule Ears, etc. So I had to work a little harder to find a place to hike where there were not already rangers or other volunteers. I just "worked backwards" starting at the Burro Mesa Pour Off, enjoyed alone time at Trester's arch, then joining the crowds at Tuff Canyon.

Interestingly, we have a ringtail (normally a very nocturnal critter) living it up entertaining visitors during daylight hours at the Burro Mesa Pour Off ! I just missed seeing it as it lounged in the shade of a bush, but did get to see its butt as it scampered for cover in a rock den. Then a couple of days later a visitor brought photos into the visitor center.
Image result for ringtail cat texas
Image of a ringtail from the internet. Cute huh?

The Buckeye trees at the Pour Off are in bloom and this bee is as big as my thumb!

I believe parts of this dog cholla are dying therefore the vivid yellow and orange. Even though it is almost ready to bloom.

This rock was hollowed out in a very rectangular way. Very unusual but appeared to be natural, not man-made.

I accidentally flushed this jackrabbit but he only fled 10 feet away and sat stock-still while I took a bunch of photos. He stayed right where he was while I carefully turned and walked away. No wonder he was being cautious - there were lots of coyotes in the area that were constantly moving away from me as I hiked.

Amazing rocks as I climbed up to the arch. Looks like they were extruded through one of those Play Doh machines. :-)

Explored an area of red rock on my way back to my care from the arch & found big chunks of this mineral. Not sure exactly what it is but it was very sparkly with long crystals, incorporating the red, orange, & pinks of the surrounding rock.

These antlers plus many other bones littering the wash.

The honeycomb in the canyon - a nice surprise for those who spot it.

Surprise meeting friends Deb and Brian Beaird from Mobil Oil days! Deb & Brian and their friends were hiking the Santa Elena Canyon trail and Brian recognized me even before he saw my name badge. What a great time we had reminiscing and answering questions about my wonderful vagabond lifestyle :-)

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