Sunday, July 10, 2016

Swim Buddies & Garden Club Luncheon

Yesterday some of my friends from the Joliet YMCA water aerobics classes invited me to the Three Rivers Garden Club Tea. Wow, what a great event! I cannot thank my friends enough for inviting me. They raise thousands of dollars annually for many worthwhile causes and this tea is one of the highlights of the year. In addition to the lovely luncheon with a Downton Abbey theme our featured speaker was Nancy Kuhajda of the University of Illinois Extension Service, supervising 140 Master Gardeners.

Nancy is such a captivating, knowledgeable, and comedic speaker I could listen to her for hours! She is not pictured here, but is certainly a treasure!

Oh, and before I show some photos of the event, my sister Ruth and I spent an awesome day attending Good Shepherd Lutheran, lunching at Panera, laughing at the movie "Secret Life of Pets", and just hanging out with her! More fun planned for this week. :-)

A lovely selection of teas - my favorite chocolate hazelnut decaf!
Downton Abbey Theme
Desserts Galore!

Mary Kay and Judy preparing a wonderful meal.

Purses of goodies to bid on.

Our aerobics instructor, Lynnanne, showing off her tea kettle shaped purse. NOT FOR BID!

Karen and Laura

Bette and Carol


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