Thursday, January 12, 2017

The End of This Leg of the Journey

It is now January 12, 2017 and I got  fantastic offer to print out the rest of my journal! Figured I'd better wrap this up and put a bow on it. I came home on an emergency basis at the end of August because things were crazy here at home with medical and other family concerns. I've now bought a perfect little condo in Joliet that I can call my home base. All my friends made it so easy to create this little "nest". Heather and Darren and Judy made offers to let me park the RV and live with them until move-in day happened. Where would I be without them?? Probably Missouri where it might have been warm enough to "winter over"! Ha!

Joyce, my 24-hour realtor and friend helped me find this place; Missy and Tiffany guided me through all the legal and financial doings; Mary Kay & Judi and many other friends helped me feel right at home again. Zuni and Tighe have more room than they know what to do with and I am wrapped in the warm arms of many friends, my mom and sister. So, until I make other adventures here are a few photo reminders of the last couple of months.

Tighe in RV Window at River House

Celebrating Laura's memorable wearing of the bikini - part of the Y gang.

Me, Ruth and Mary Kay's first visit to the Naperville River Walk

Judi enjoying hot fudge sundae at La Chocolat in Naperville. Second trip! to visit the Kindl Market

Christmas at the Timbers where mom lives.

Christmas Day at Starved Rock Lodge - Mom's first visit there!

Zuni enjoying every chair in the condo!

Dining Room

Living Room

My Room


  1. Hello, I hope you're doing well. I've been reading your blog sporadically for the last few months. I've really enjoyed your pictures and quick snips about your time in the park. I hope your travels continue, even though you are settling in at your new home. I have a question for you - as someone who has just recently started traveling around the US and seeing the beauty of the national parks, I am hoping to find a way to spend more time there. I am wondering about the "assignments" you discuss in your posts - i.e. clearing brush, checking trails, re-arranging sites when visitors have adjusted them, etc. I am wondering if you can tell me how you're involved with the parks. I'm hoping to find a way to become more involved in the future.

    Thank you and have a great day,

  2. Dear SS, I am sorry I never saw your questions until today (11/4/2017). For some reason I just checked my blog and found your questions. I got involved by going to All the National Parks, Forest Service, Army Corps of Engineers, etc. place their volunteer jobs there. If you fill out an application be sure to follow up with a phone call or email directly with the site's volunteer coordinator, too. Certainly if you meet others volunteering in the parks chat with them and make contacts. Like paid jobs, it is sometimes "who you know not what you know". Good luck!! I was able to get away this month for some camping and hope to eventually get back to volunteering in the parks. If you get this I will be checking for a response! Amy
