Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wild, Windy Pre-Thanksgiving

Everyone who has ever served in Big Bend 3 or more years swears they have never seen weather like this here! Well aren't we the lucky ones! A couple of days ago it was near 90 every day. In contrast the last 2 days haven't gotten above 43. The winds have ranged from 35 to 55 mph gusts, the road into the Chisos Basin was closed part of the day because of ice, rain was just now pelting the windows and things are generally yukky.

This would normally be a very busy time in the park but one would never know it to look at our east side roadways. Today I had to go up to headquarters and was surprised at how busy they were! Then I found out they are sending everyone to the hot springs! Just think - at 43 the Rio Grande Village is the warmest place in the park and the rangers are sending everyone here! Imagine soaking in 105 degree water, emerging wet and having to make a quarter mile dash back to your car to get back to your tent! All of them were so bedraggled and red legged scampering along the trail. Ah, life in Big Bend.

Tonight I had my park radio on and I want to repeat an old saying about going outside your home at night, "Nothing good happens after dark." Actually I think it is supposed to be "after midnight" but what the hey. . . Tonight's chatter was by law enforcement about 3 young people, the males with numerous driving and drug violations and in possession of a gun. The situation was under control. A big part of me worries so much for our law enforcement people and the other part of me is glad to be a sensible adult snuggled in for the night. I must be getting old because I find myself wondering what the kids are thinking.

Some photos of the Hot Springs Trail 2 days ago:
Dead Ocotillo draped over the trail. I had to remove this one so visitors could pass safely.

An eddy in the river where 4 huge carp and 7 turtles were feasting.

A resurrection fern in the resurrected state.
Later in the day I helped search for some overdue hikers and patrolled some backcountry roads:

A Sonoran Gopher Snake - so pretty but lounging in the middle of the road. I took some video below then moved her about 10 yards off road.

The next day (Friday) the wind set in. I enjoyed watching Mr. Vermillion Flycatcher trying to stay put in the tree. I did not see Mrs. Flycatcher out and about.
I usually see a covey of scaled quail at the 9-mile marker towards Panther Junction, but today they were in the housing area behind PJ.
I'm off to sleep to the sound of roaring wind and pelting rain . . .

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