Sunday, December 22, 2013

Devil's Den, Dog Canyon and On Patrol

It has been another busy week, but nothing stupendous is happening. Today Jep came with me to do a shuttle of the river rangers and Steve & Daisy to Talley for a float trip of the Mariscal Canyon. This was another one of those areas that no one can go by themselves because of its proximity to the border. Besides I could not drive both vehicles by myself.

Friday was a doctor appointment in El Paso and, true to form, the weather was horrible. 15 days ago when I made the last trip it was foggy, rainy, sleety and miserable. This time it was rainy, foggy, and dangerous because the car wanted to hydroplane most of the way. Oh, well. I'll see what kind of weather my next appointment on January 7 brings!

The last couple of days Terry and I hiked Pine Canyon and had dinner with a friend of hers who was backcountry camping and earlier in the week Joan and I hiked Devil's Den and Dog Canyon as I was on patrol that day. First Devil's Den: (I have to go back as friends said I missed exploring the caves of Dog Canyon where they found Javelina bones - and other evidence of mountain lion!)

 A day patrolling Daniel's Ranch, checking out campsites and tagging along on Ranger Mary's talk about the Hot Springs:

Ross's "coo-bird"

The first jackrabbit I've seen that did not run like the devil possessed him!

The day I went with the park's safety officer to check concerns at Buttrill Ranch, the best part of the day was the hawk I photographed here and below.

The hawk finally got tired of me gawking at him and took flight!
The hike of Pine Canyon with Terry started with another hawk sighting. No photos, but Terry spotted two of the biggest white tail deer I've ever seen! Deer any mountain lion would be proud to chomp into for dinner!

I call this photo "Find Terry" Do you see her dwarfed by the canyon?

Sunset from Terry's friend's Rice Tank campsite. Hot dogs and nice conversation after a day on the trail - nothing better!
Routine day of patrol today - more hawks though!

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