Sunday, January 12, 2014

Banta Bear Sign, Bone Springs, Chimneys

Monday, January 6th Steve & Tina (backcountry from the West District) and I hiked the Banta Shut-in again. For them it was an on-duty day and they were looking for sign of UDAs (undocumented aliens - i.e. Mexicans crossing the park illegally). We did not see any sign of UDAs however got to see sign of black bear. The tracks and scat we saw did not go all the way down to the Banta Shut-in but went both up and down Estufa Canyon. Very exciting!

It was around freezing that day as you can tell by how Tina is dressed!

A shrike that I saw as I drove down the road to the trailhead.

Black bear print to the left of my boot.

Tina really liked these bright orange rocks.

. . . and these marvelous veins in the rocks!

Steve and Tina at the shut-in.

Steve was the brave climber. Tina and I were not feeling too lucky and felt we would probably tumble into the cold water!

The next day, Tuesday, was my trek to El Paso to see the foot doctor and to have lunch with my friend, Joanne. No pictures but we had a great day and I got home by 8:45 that night. Well, of course, I left at 4:43 that morning so it was a long day.

The next couple of days were work days, so here are some of the pictures I took:

A raven at the Bone Springs area where I hiked.

Ditto the hawk at Bone Springs.

Grinding holes. Also there were many cool lithics there. Steve and Daisy had been there recently and I saw the same things Steve mentioned including the elk tracks. The elk tracks made an interesting story later this day.

Black headed vultures down on the river.

Meanwhile back at the ranch the horses are patiently waiting to be fed.

Pregnant mare.

Rock art compass made by campers.

Coot taking a dip.

Bright blue skies. . . ah.

Yesterday Steve, Tina, another volunteer, Mike, and I did a key exchange on the Chimneys trail. Steve and Mike hiked from the west while Tina and I hiked from the east. We met in the middle, had lunch, exchanged keys to our vehicles and trekked onwards. At the end of the day Tina showed me some of the campsites on her side of the park that I had never seen. Believe it or not, this was my first time in the West District this time at Big Bend. Boy, I have been lazy not to get over there more often!
I had seen the petroglyphs, grinding holes, and other sights here on my last two visits. It was good to see them again, though.

An interesting, photo worthy cactus.

A javelina skull. I was in my glory because I did not have to wear a volunteer hat today. And I did not even get a sunburn!

Tina examining petrified tree.

The story of our hike - bright blue skies!

Another sun-worshipper!
Today is baking and cooking day then I am off to visit my friend, Claudia, one of the camp hosts. Oooo - tonight is Sunday so there is the Good Wife to look forward to! More another day!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics Amy! Thank you for sharing some of the awesome sights you get to see!!! Claudia
