Sunday, January 5, 2014

Glenn Springs, Old Ore, Bunnies, POE - Whew!

This will teach me to blog more often - it is catch up time from December 22 to now, January 5th! So here is the cliff note version and lots of photos for those who only look and don't read.

On patrol with Claudia, one of our camp hosts. She needed a girl's day away to see different sights so here we are at Glenn Springs Road:
Claudia's Scaled Quail

Elephant Tusk in background of Glenn Springs wash area

Claudia at Glenn springs historic area - ranching.

The north end of the Black Gap road - designed to strike fear into the hearts of travelers! (Just kidding - it is NOT maintained by the park and we are not allowed to take our 4WD park vehicles on this road.)

Petroglyphs in the area.
Bicyclists on the Black Gap Road

Vultures cavorting on rocks in the Rio Grande

Me, taken by Claudia. Included here so my mom knows I'm okay.
Another day on the Old Ore Road. Not quite as scarey a road as the Black Gap, but it has it's moments. As a matter of fact, us volunteers have recommended to the park service that it be upgraded to "4WD Required" instead of the current "4WD Recommended"

The next few photos are from the Ernst Tinaja (where rain, snow, etc. is captured in rock pools and sometimes exists all year long.)

Great evidence of the earth's upheaval - fortunately for us a very, very long time ago!

Butterflies that have died in the pools.

A yucca in bloom - rare this time of year.

Another camper exhibiting "don't do this" behavior. These 5 people received a fine for out-of-bounds camping. We laughed because it looks like they are set up for a beach party when, in fact, the night temperatures are dipping well below freezing.
Next, a bunny visits us at RGV. Bunny and his friends certainly liven up Zuni's life! Also a photo of the Daniel's Ranch cottonwood trees only 11 days after I photographed them in full fall color.

Bunny says, "See ya later!"

Dog Canyon revisited to take photos of the inactive mountain lion den and his dead javelina meals. Beware! (And, of course, the other two innocuous photos of a hawk and butterfly.)

Lastly, some photos from yesterday and a fond farewell until I blog again!
These are some of the Mexicans at the Boquillas crossing. They have driven their truck right into the Rio Grande and are filling up barrels of water for their livestock.

A "living rock" cactus found by campers in the backcountry. It blends in so well with the rocks that I think it is a good idea to outline it with rocks so it does not get trampled.

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