Friday, April 25, 2014

Leaving BB & on to Dolores Colorado

Just a quick note that I left Big Bend the day before yesterday (Wednesday morning). Zuni and I drove about 12 hours to Belen, NM (just south of Albuquerque) the first day. Shopped at a Walmart in the late evening, slept a couple of hours, did more shopping in the morning, then drove to Dolores, Colorado yesterday. Unbelievably, Alyssa had surgery yesterday at 6:00 a.m. for rotator cuff and other shoulder issues and, with only a couple of hours sleep, drove 4 hours back to her home in Dolores.

I am staying here to keep her company and help if I can while she recuperates. My RV is parked in her back yard and tonight I had to put my plants under cover since it is supposed to go down below freezing by Tuesday. Tonight is only supposed to be around 35. Alyssa is doing a great job with her rehab exercises, doing what she can with one arm around the house, taking me on an excursion and watching a movie at my place tonight. I remember when my mom had her rotator cuff surgery - Alyssa is doing the same exercises and the arm dangle is kicking her butt! We are both whipped so I am off to a good night's sleep.
Someone new taking Alyssa's truck!

Cane Cholla blooming - ah!

The Chisos Mountains today

I was moving rocks up on Glenn Springs Road to make a barrier and found this little guy. I could not find his name, but he is maybe another type of Texas Banded Gecko? The one below was the one I found up on Dagger Flats Road on February 2.

Alyssa & Roadie at her house in Dolores. At the time of this photo she was only about 14 hours post-shoulder surgery. What a physically strong woman! The sling and binder was home-made with a sarong and scarf since the sling from the surgical center was way too small for her.
One of Alyssa's neighbor's mailbox art.
Meadowlark singing his heart out.
Bluebird spreading happiness, of course!
Same bluebird preening.
Unbelievably, Alyssa wanted to take me to the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument - my first chance to use my new Senior Pass!! Free Entry!

The special exhibit this week was on mountain lions. Depicted on his flank are his prey, on his chest is a mountain lion medallion, and behind his head is a man depicted.

The surrounding mountains. These would be in the 12,000 to 13,000 feet high range and still have a fair amount of snow.

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