Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Highland Games 2014

If you liked them last year, you'll love them this year! Added this year was a game called "Walk the Plank or Die" Don't worry - no one actually died but it was fun! In this new timed event you had to put your forehead on the butt of an ax handle (kind of like using a baseball bat) and spin around 5 times. Then you had to walk across a 12 foot plank suspended by milk crates at each end. If you fell off the plank then you got 5 seconds added to your score. Then you had to run like a drunken person around a cone placed about 25 yards further, then sprint back to the finish line!

Jane and I were the judges, spin counters, etc. One guest noted that the shorter the person the better they did. Hmmm. . . did they not get as dizzy? Who knows! Just for fun here are some of the photos of the days events:
Team East - Natalie, Matt, Ben, Mike, Jorge, Caitlyn

Team Trailer Trash (just down from Snob Hill!) - Bob, Pam, Dawnella, Sonya, Antonio, Reed

There was a Team Rio, but I somehow failed to get a photo of them. Sorry!
John, Joan, me, xx, xx, xx, Delona, Jane, Nancy, Mike front seated: Steve, Daisy, Paula, Barney

This year's laser cut coveted awards! (Javelina featured)
Pipers Opening Ceremony

??, Billie

Mark, Ed, Michael
Billie, Natalie

Mark, Matt, Michael

Cindy (park superintendent), Billie

??, Mark, Matt

??, Pam, Billie

Matt, Mike, Michael

Sonja, Billie, Dawnella

??, Mark, Mike

Sonja, Billie, ??

Jorge, ??, Reed

Tug of Love
Best Dressed: Big Bend Trailer Trash "Just down from snow hill"

??, Billie

Mark, Matt, Michael

Matt, Billie, ??
Beloved "Rio Red" John and Elaine's truck which was gifted to the park through a drug deal confiscation. :-)

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