Monday, June 9, 2014

North Inlet Hike & FREEZE!

I am sitting at The Hub coffee shop in Grand Lake de-stressing right now. I just found out that cancelled my insurance last Wednesday when I called in to change my mailing address. Forty-five minutes and a dropped call may have reinstated it but time will tell. I also found out that all my out-of-state medical services through Avera are only for emergencies. . . . therefore I should have my foot surgery & other check-ups in SD. Hmmm. . . my travel plans may need to be amended a little. (Insert primal scream here. LOL)

Yes, the RV water hoses froze last night. Yesterday mid-afternoon a very rainy, cold front blew in but I honestly had no idea the temperatures would drop to 26! Yikes! The good part was that the cold woke me up at 5:00 a.m. and I got to see lots of moose and elk go through the campground. Zuni was hilarious, too! The cold weather seemed to bring out the playful side of Zuni. She was all wound up and chasing scraps of cardboard, fluffing up her tail, arching her back and dancing around like a crazy girl. She makes me laugh all the time! Last night Jep & Renae and Dave from interp came over for dinner. Jep had bought a new pair of boots and brought Zuni a new shoebox to destroy - hence the new scraps of cardboard to chase.
One of this morning's moose - he was quickly followed by 2 of his buddies but my camera battery gave out.
John and Delona (friends from Big Bend and the Gila are driving in tonight!!! Yippee! I laughed when I woke up this morning with frozen water lines because they were planning on sleeping in their tent. Little do they know I'll have things ready for them with me and Zuni in the RV. We'll have a great time regardless. :-)

We actually got up to about 40 campsites filled the night before last! The big surprise was the smell or campfire smoke that night - I had a major headache and everything smelled of smoke. The only "downside" I've found to camphosting here. For the most part our campers are happy (yeah, I know - "happy campers"!) - all on vacation and enjoying life away from whatever grind they came from.

Because of wind, intense sunshine and the freeze last night I'm sure my geraniums don't look so healthy today, but here they are last week being visited by a hummingbird.

This is the bull elk King who presided over his harem last week. He always looks so serious.
Lake Irene where I snowshoed last week. I saw a beautiful fox cross the path in front of me. . .

The back of the ranger cabin at Lake Irene.
All the rest of these photos are from my hike of the "North Inlet" to Grand Lake and Cascade Falls. It was a great hiking day, but the skies were gloomy preceding the freezing rain.

First glimpse of Cascade Falls. What a roar!

Columbine in bloom. We call them shooting stars in Illinois.

When I stopped to take this photo of moss I just about got eaten alive by mosquitoes. Ouch!

Lady slippers (aka fairy slippers) in bloom.

Oh, no! The site of the demise of a Stellar's Jay. :-(

This little guy scampered to hide in the open end of a fallen tree. In the next photo he gets braver. . .

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