Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Few More Photos Before Work Days

Just some of the sight-seeing and stuff I've done the last couple of days. There are two videos below so I hope they stream well. :-)

A small "moose jam" on the road. Tour bus is not visible in this photo!

Who - me???

A close-up of her winter coat. Kinda scraggly!

Zuni & her new "friend". . .

Video below - enjoy!
Zuni after a hard day chasing chipmunks and chewing up the shoe box. :-)

Undercover butterfly. . . below unfurled.

Aspen budding out - beautiful.
One of the early settlements on our side of the park. Formerly a fish camp getaway, now a place for tourists to visit and school children to learn about the early life of the settlers and how to take care of our park.

One o our volunteers dressed as "impact monster"! She helps teach the children to pack-in/pack-out, leave no trace, respect and care for the animals, etc.

An un-anchored, "bear-proof" trash can got mauled by a bear the other night. The trash can was actually not so round when the ranger found it in the morning and Yogi ate everything except the beer cans!

The Coyote Valley trail is still a little inundated by snowmelt!
I kind of started a moose jam when I was the first to spot this mama and her calf this morning. Before long she had quite a gang of well-behaved tourists watching her and her baby.

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