Sunday, May 11, 2014

Big Questions at Grand Junction

The big questions on my mind are "will it ever warm up here?" and "have I lost my mind coming to the Rockies?" Today (Mother's Day 2014) storms are rolling through and mountain passes are closed. It rained all night long here in Grand Junction and big black, thunder-laden storms come through every hour or so just when I think the sun might stay out and shine on us!

I was going to drive up to see Dinosaur National Monument, but the ranger at the VC said it is windy and rainy and Douglas pass is probably closed. I laughed and said I'd wait until Monday or Tuesday to drive up!

I have campground reservations just outside Rocky Mountain starting Thursday, but the weather report is a little scarey - every night the temperatures are still dropping into the 20's. I have no desire to be there wondering if my water lines will freeze up nightly. Hmmm......

Zuni and I are hunkered down today - she is sleeping and I am doing yoga, reading, and blogging. Tonight is the "Amazing Race" and (my all-time favorite) "The Good Wife".

Storm bearing down on Grand Junction. At Junction West RV campground.

Zuni hunkered down while it rains outside.
House finches at Alyssa's

Magpie (all these birds were at Alyssa's)

Young Grosbeak

I think this is a Western Jay - several of them present, but not raucous, bigger than the ones below.

Lewis' Woodpecker

Mountain Bluebird? This one near feeder, the one below in the nearby fields.

Meadowlark between songs . . . awaiting reply.
Bird-girl, Zuni, watching feathered friends at Alyssa's.

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