Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Red Ass Spring Hike

Don't ask me how it got it's name - we spent a little time today making up stories! With my boss' permission I was able to leave our very quiet Cottonwood Campground to its own devices and hike with my friends today. Yippee! An 8.5 mile round tripper.

We went to a place northeast of the Chimneys in Big Bend where an old ranch was nestled in amongst several springs. There wasn't much left of the house on the hill, but the stone corral was very pretty and contained a miniature cliff dwelling (or Mesa Verde). Very intriguing!

We also ran across many cacti that we did not know the name of and also two mystery tubers. Not sure what plant they came from, but they had clearly been dug out of the ground by some animal who had taken big bites out of one of them.

When I came back to the campground I found a Western Spotted Skunk. He must have been killed by a predator this morning because I smelled him at 7:00 a.m. Some person probably found him and put him on the campground fence. Poor little critter. :-(

Joan, me Steve & Tina, Lew & Susan

Looking down on the stone corral

Susan & Joan taking measurements

Mystery tubers

So funny! The fascination with me on the campground tricycle continues! Thank you Susan for sneaking this photo. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I can send a picture of the mesa builders if you are interested.
