Sunday, January 24, 2016

To Ojinaga with Friends

Traveled to Ojinaga, Mexico with Raymond Skiles, Claudia Arnberger & Joan Spalding today. Had a wonderful time due to good friends, engaging conversation, Raymond's Spanish language skills and knowledge of the area, good food, shopping, etc., etc.!

Murals on the wall in the building on the town square told the story of Mexican farmers, the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, conversion of the people to Catholocism, etc.

The plaza roof.

Raymond's new herbalist reading his palm, diagnosing and prescribing herbs to calm him down! Not sure whether we would make it back across the border with the bag of herbs, leaves, bark & twigs prescribed. Thank heaven, no drug sniffing dogs at the checkpoint!

The "must see" panaderia. Everyone stocked up on breads, donuts, cookies and muffins with the aroma filling the car, tantalizing us for the rest of the trip. 

Shopping for a prom dress for the upcoming Big Bend Prom.

A hotel known to be of ill-repute with "Ladies Bar" entrance that we laughed about.

La Tienda - we did not fare too well in the haggling department, but did purchase some cute souvenirs.

Enjoying a little step back into history at a local cemetery.

Here we are within steps of the Rio Grande river in Big Bend Ranch State Park taking a stretch break as we wended our way home.

We could not resist stopping to take moonrise pictures between Lajitas and Terlingua.

Ah, the end of a perfect day together.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so wanting to be there right now --- I'm almost in tears thinking about it. I might have to photoshop John and me into one of the pictures just so it looks like we were there too. Argentina is wonderful but there's nothing like Big Bend and Big Bend friends.....sigh.....
