Friday, August 5, 2016

Cabin Camp Friday Morning

This morning I had to be up and at 'em by 6:30 to unlock the gate for the trash & recycle people. I was greeted by the site of this box turtle crossing the road, many more fungi and even a few flowers! Tomorrow our first BIG group moves into the Cabin Camp area. I will have 150 people in my area and my coworkers in Cabin Camp 4, John and Cindy, will have 200. Yikes!

Leaf covered forest floor and field of orange. . .

The lovely orange mushrooms start out like this and mature in the following photos.

Purple mushrooms

Right in back of my RV

Bug on the carpet outside the RV this morning. I also was visited by raccoons last night. The trash bucket in the back of my Mule (a gasoline powered golf cart on steroids) was tipped over and bottles I was soaking had been tipped over with telltale paw prints all over! Ha!

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