Sunday, August 7, 2016

Down from 97% Humidity!

This morning it was only 61% humidity as opposed to yesterday's 97%. What a wonderful change! The weather people say it will only last 1 day though. :-(

I went for a 5 mile hike up Burma Road after taking a little walk around the cabin camp area. Burma is a favorite of locals because there is no vehicular traffic, it's shaded, and is a lovely up and down hills hike. My sister, Ruth, would love it because it reminds me of Rockdale only no traffic and would be a perfect place to train for hiking up the Sears Tower!

After I got back to camp I rested and read, then heard radio calls regarding a copperhead snake reappearing over at John & Cindy's Cabin Camp 4. You will all enjoy the photos! The snake was captured and relocated - all made possible by the wonder 4' pry bar I bought to work on Mom's house last year! Hooray! The men could never have gotten the porch boards up without it.

First, the hike . . .

My trail buddy.

This lovely fungus was lurking a foot behind some Burger King Trash some despicable hiker had discarded trailside.
So if you look closely, you can see the copperhead beneath the boards of the porch to the dining hall. He has been seen numerous times over the last month, but John and Cindy had not been able to capture him. We do NOT have to mess with the snakes as the law enforcement rangers would handle it for us. The only problem is that sometimes the snakes appear in cabins after-hours when the rangers are off duty. This one was especially dangerous because the group camping in this area is made up of many,many children and adults of all ages and physical ability. Snakey had been sunning on the porch as well as just poking his head up to see if the coast was clear for him to emerge to sunbathe or hunt. John and Cindy were very frustrated because it posed a huge risk to the campers.
Yep, he's still there! The men wisely determined the exact location of the snake and kept track of his movements. From what I've read online, copperhead bites are NOT normally fatal, nor do they require antivenom. One expert published last year that the antivenom is not very expensive to produce. But due to the price negotiations between hospitals and insurance companies the price can zoom from a manufacturers price of, for instance, a couple of hundred dollars to as much as $39,000 per vial!!!! That price gouging is outrageous!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Tighe and Zuni lounge about blissfully unaware of all the excitement in the next camp.


  1. I'm eventually gonna read all of these. Glad you are relocating the copperheads. Glad you're in a fun place.

  2. I'm eventually gonna read all of these. Glad you are relocating the copperheads. Glad you're in a fun place.
